Can you imagine the perfect toned body with a saggy belly? Obviously not. The abdomen is an area that should be trained daily, unlike other muscles. It is more convenient to master the set of home exercises on the mat at the right time for you.
Many with the formation of fat on the sides notice a deterioration in health. The reason lies in obesity, it helps to increase: blood pressure, levels of insulin, glucose, cholesterol. Poor nutrition combined with a passive lifestyle leads to diabetes and heart disease. Metabolic disorders do not go unnoticed in women and men. A healthy person always has a toned stomach, with a well-defined waist.
To benefit from waist and abdomen exercises, follow 2 tips on the way to weight loss:
- Focus on the end result.
- Enjoy every workout.
Exercise at home
Try to learn to feel the muscles of the abdomen and waist during a weight loss workout. Entering the slimming mode, it complicates training - increases the number of exercises and approaches. If you want to have a flat stomach and slim waist, follow the main training rule: keep your stomach pulled in during each exercise. Prepare a soft mat, comfortable clothes - let's start training at home.
Warm up
The purpose of the warm-up is to prepare the muscles for the upcoming load and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Make sure you start your weight loss workout by jumping, climbing a stepped platform, dancing. They are needed to keep the heart and other organs functioning. Stretch your obliques:
- Do torso tilts in different directions with your arms extended as low as possible. The spine should warm up slowly.
- Fix the pelvis in one position, turn the upper body in different directions.
- Rotate your pelvis and body without lifting your feet off the floor.
The core exercises for the waist and abdomen will make the oblique muscles stronger, forming a press line. Correctly perform 3 types of twists with repetitions of 20 times in 3 sets:
- Straight: Lie on the mat with your knees bent, hands behind your head, elbows apart. At a moderate pace, lift only the shoulder blades off the floor.
- Backhand: Lying on your back, raise your pelvis and lower body. To effectively work out the bottom of the press, perform the lifts as slowly as possible.
- Diagonal: in the prone position, stretch alternately in different directions, tearing off the shoulder blades. Put your hands along the body, knees bent.
Raise leg
The following exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles and training the press.
- Lie on your back, palms extended along your body as close to the floor as possible. Raise your legs slowly. Beginners with the goal of losing weight can bend their knees in this exercise if it is difficult to perform. It is more effective to keep them even - to increase the physical load on the muscles of the press, buttocks and thighs.
- Lie on your back on the mat, spread your arms to the sides. Begin the exercise by lifting your legs at a 90 degree angle. Lower each leg in turn, without touching the floor, keeping the other leg horizontal to the surface. As you lift your legs, try touching the floor with your palms.
- Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your right leg to an even angle and keep your left leg horizontal, not touching the floor. Alternately perform the cross-leg crossing.
side dashboard
This exercise is crucial for the hips, on the way to losing weight. Static movement forms the print, has a general strengthening effect. You should start doing the 30 second weight loss plank. Remember: the longer you keep it, the faster you will be able to enjoy a sporty tummy and the absence of bulging hips. Complicated plank technique:
- Lying on the right side, lean to the right: the original hand, the hand should be directed along the axis with the shoulders.
- Close your legs together, keep them horizontal on the mat, toes pointing forward.
- Perform the exercise on the exhale: raise your left hand, do not bend the original arm, keep the body and pelvis in balance.
- Hold in the position described for the maximum time.
- After resting for a minute, do the exercise on the left side.
- If it is difficult for you to raise your arms, keep them alternately bent at the elbows, a light version of the side plank.
Slim waist exercises
Perform a weight loss exercise in the middle of a workout - to eliminate tension in the muscles of the sides and the appearance of beautiful posture. Stand straight, put your hands behind your head. Perform alternating lateral tilts of the body at maximum tension in the abdomen. For the second exercise, lie down on the floor, take your hands behind the top of your head. Do the exercise as you exhale: pull your left leg towards you, help yourself with your hands.
A rather complicated weight loss technique will help strengthen the muscles of the spine and sides at the same time. To do this, take a starting position lying on the floor, put your hands behind your head. The essence of the exercise is to linger for the maximum time, tearing the torso and straight legs off the floor. While exercising, breathe evenly, if you feel pain in your neck, stop exercising.
Exercise "Empty"
Professional trainers include this exercise in a complete workout to eliminate sides. Perform the exercise, having familiarized yourself with the technique of execution.
Lie on the floor, straighten your back, place your arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. Breathe slowly for a few minutes. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles - try to pull them in with maximum effort. If you feel that the stomach is level with the back, then you have mastered the technique correctly. Hold for 15 seconds, after a short pause, do the second part of the exercise: after pulling the abdomen, try to "push" it sharply upwards. Start doing the exercise with 5 times, gradually increasing the number.
Post workout stretch
The following exercises will help relax and relieve tension from the muscles of the sides in a comfortable position for each.
- Lying on your stomach: on outstretched arms, rest your palms on the floor, rotate your fingers forward. Tighten the gluteal muscles as much as possible, gently bend the body, head and stomach backwards.
- Lying on the back: prepare a pre-rolled towel, maximum thickness - 5 cm. After taking the starting position, put it under the lower back. The torso, legs and arms must be pressed to the floor. This type of stretching is suitable for people with fragile abdominal muscles.
- Sitting: In the starting position, join your hands behind your head. Perform alternating inclinations with a maximum delay in each direction. For proper execution, secure your back, arms and legs.
- Standing: Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your body and head back, fixing your hands on your hips: gently lower your hands. Do not overdo it with the depth of the slope - this can lead to a violation of the spine. To reduce the load on the spine, keep the buttocks taut during the exercise.
Mistakes in training
There are a huge number of exercises for eliminating sides. Some techniques, especially popular with women, often promise rapid weight loss and an increase in physical fitness. Many exercise diligently, causing harm to health. Deactivate:
- alternate the inclinations to the sides with the weights. Otherwise, you risk becoming the owner of a wide waist. This exercise should be performed by men.
- A hoop and hula hoop are not recommended by gynecologists for weight loss for girls.
- Rotating the body with a bar from the bar is a dubious exercise for the sides, leading to spinal injuries. They are performed more often by bodybuilders, and not by girls who are about to lose weight.
- Avoid cardio. Don't neglect the warm-up - start with a run.
Stomach diet
Proper nutrition can save you from the fat layer in the hips and normalize the digestion process. Eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours. Maintain water balance in the body: drink purified, non-carbonated water at least 2 liters per day. Speaking of proper digestion and weight loss, you should stop drinking: alcohol, cigarettes, coffee. It is often not possible to make a chiseled figure by absorbing: fried, fatty and sweet foods.
Proper nutrition is primarily a balanced set of products, which consists of easily digestible proteins, fats and carbohydrates. What remains? If you train daily and want to have a healthy body, add foods rich in fiber to your diet: cereals, vegetables, fruits.
Cooking lean meat and fish for a couple: trace elements are not destroyed in this way and the benefits of such cooking are maximum for digestion.
How to eat?
We suggest you try the menu of simple dishes:
- Breakfast: diet biscuit + hard boiled egg
- Lunch: potato, broccoli and carrot soup; cut vegetables: cucumber, radish.
- Snack: fruit - at your discretion, but not more than 150 grams.
- Dinner: up to 100 grams of boiled or steamed beans, boiled fish - 150 grams.
Saggy sides don't look sexy at all. A desire to get rid of the hated layer of fat is not enough. We have collected 5 rules, without which you cannot help losing weight.
- Exercise regularly
- Perform each exercise 20 times in different approaches;
- Gradually increase the number of approaches;
- Train slowly, focusing on muscle contraction;
- Follow the diet tips to lose weight in belly fat.